NIRK - Network for Ichthyoses

The network for ichthyoses and related keratinization disorders (NIRK) is an initiative funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) of the German Government. This network started in October 2003. The Central Head Office of this nation-wide (Germany) network and two projects operate within the University Hospital Muenster (UKM).
Ichthyoses are a group of rare, generalized genetic keratinization disorders which are associated with marked scaling and often a severe inflammation of the skin. These symptoms result in severe physical and psychological handicaps and have dramatic impacts on the quality of life.
A better understanding of the molecular genetic basis of these disorders and of the disease mechanisms as well as the advancement of new methods for diagnosis and therapy are core issues of the network NIRK which follow an interdisciplinary approach and want to integrate various research activities and clinical care. The ultimate aim thus is to promote knowledge about the disease, identify new disease mechanisms and achieve optimal clinical care for the patients.
Projects- Erstellung eines standardisierten Fragebogens für das Zentralregister (Prof. H. Traupe, Münster)
- Erstellen einer multimedialen Datenbank (Prof. F. Ückert, Mainz)
- Multimedialer Wissenstransfer (Prof. F. Ückert, Mainz)
- Gen-Identifikation und -Charakterisierung bei autosomal rezessiven kongenitalen Ichthyosen (Dr. C. Hennies, Köln)
- Regulation und Bestimmung von Keratin-Genen (Dr. C. Hennies, Köln)
- Molekulargenetik und funktionelle Analyse bei Ichthyosen mit Sterolbiosynthesdefekten (Prof. K. Grzeschik, Marburg)
- Ultrastrukturelle Diagnostik (Dr. I. Haußer, Heidelberg)
- Biochemische Charakterisierung von erblichen Verhornungsstörungen (Prof. H. Traupe, Münster)
- Entwicklung einer Enzymsubstitution als Therapie bei TGM-1 Mangel (Prof. H. Traupe, Münster)
Prof. Dr. Heiko Traupe
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Klinik und Poliklinik für Hautkrankheiten
Von-Esmarch-Str. 56
48149 Münster
Tel.: 0251 83-57278
Fax: 0251 83-57279