Research for Rare - Research for rare diseases

ADDRess - Translational Research for Persons with Abnormal DNA Damage Response

What is an Abnormal DNA Damage Response?

Disorders with Abnormal DNA Damage Response/Repair (DADDR) are rare genetic conditions with impaired DNA repair or maintenance. These serious diseases occur when damage to the genetic material cannot be repaired by the body’s own cells due to certain defects in genes that normally control these repair mechanisms. Depending on the repair process that is disturbed in each case, different pathologies develop. Those affected suffer from a greatly increased risk of cancer and extreme sensitivity to conventional cancer therapies.

One DADDR is the Fanconi anemia. In Germany, there are only a few hundred people affected. These suffer from a predisposition to develop malignant tumors in various organ systems.

Joint research in the ADDRess network

Since 2019, the ADDRess research network has been funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The network is made up of experts at various locations in Germany. In joint research projects, the aim is to improve medical and psychosocial care, early cancer detection and diagnosis, and therapy for people with diseases involving impaired DNA repair.

In the meantime, a web-based infrastructure has been established that makes previous health information, therapeutic support services and scientific data available and accessible. The goal of the network is still to elucidate molecular causes of DADDR and to use the knowledge gained to investigate new therapeutic options in various animal and cell models that can later be tested in clinical trials.

In addition, early cancer detection should be improved using imaging techniques and various analytical methods, and the dissemination of information to patients and their physicians should be significantly facilitated. The project thus serves as a model approach for other rare diseases.

Prof. Dr. med. Christian Kratz
Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
Hannover Medical School
Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1
30625 Hannover
Tel.  +49 (0)511 532-6711
Fax: +49 (0)511 532-9120

Research on Rare Diseases in Germany – The cancer predisposition syndrome registry – Journal of Health Monitoring 4/2023

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