Research for Rare - Research for rare diseases

mitoNET – German Network for Mitochondrial Diseases

What are mitochondrial diseases?

Mitochondrial diseases are a heterogeneous group of diseases characterized by mitochondrial dysfunction. The main function of mitochondria is the energy supply to the cell. They also play an important role in intermediate metabolism, apoptosis and the formation of reactive oxygen species.

In principle, mitochondrial disease can affect any organ at any age and with any degree of severity, so that there are thousands of possible symptom constellations. Tissues with high energy demand, such as the brain, sensory organs, extraocular and skeletal muscles, heart, liver, kidneys or the endocrine gland, are most often affected.

Joint research in the mitoNET network

Despite diagnostic progress and the clarification of molecular mechanisms, there is still no cure for mitochondrial diseases. mitoNET with its already established horizontal clinical expert network, the clinical patient registry, the biobank and all its scientific subprojects will primarily benefit the affected patients, enabling a quicker and direct classification of their symptoms through improved diagnostics as well as the development of new therapy methods in the longer term.

Experts of mitoNET are actively involved in the European Reference Network on Neurological Diseases (ERN-RND).

Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Klopstock
LMU Klinikum
an der Neurologischen Klinik und Poliklinik
Ziemssenstr. 1a
80336 München

Coordinating office:
Dr. Boriana Büchner
Tel: +49 (0)89 4400 57067


Website: Research Network mitoNET

More information

Clinical Studies mitoNET

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