GOLDnet - Network for Diffuse Parenchymal Lung Diseases

Diffuse parenchymal lung diseases (DPLD) are a heterogeneous group of more than 100 different, rare entities which are distinct in view of underlying trigger events but share development of lung fibrosis as a consequence. As the triggering mechanisms are largely unexplained, treatment modalities are limited to steroids and immunosuppressants and often ineffective and an ultimately fatal course is common. A lack of translational research is characteristic for the field of DPLD. In part, this is due to the limited availability of well characterized patient cohorts and biomaterials.
In this consortium, the nations leading scientists in the field of DPLD have united to:
• establish a German DPLD registry and biobank, thus enabling description of the natural course of DPLD, improving the diagnostic standard of specific DPLD and providing most valuable biomaterials for translational research
• identify trigger mechanisms, cellular consequences, profibrotic signaling cascades and modifying pathways underlying development of lung fibrosis in some forms of DPLD (focus on sarcoidosis, chronic beryllium disease, nonspecific Interstitial Pneumonia, pediatric DPLD and lymphangioleiomyomatosis)
• establish novel diagnostic tools and animal models and evaluate new treatment modalities
The consortium covers the entire chain from basic to translational research from cellular studies to animal models and clinical sciences. On a long term basis we expect that our efforts will result in a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms as well as in improved diagnosis and novel treatment opportunities for patients with DPLD.
- Mutationen des ABCA3 als Ursache diffus parenchymatöser Lungenerkrankungen (DPLD): neue pathogenetische Modelle und Therapieoptionen (Prof. M. Griese, München)
- Rolle der Toll-like-Rezeptoren bei der Granulomentstehung im Rahmen der Sarkoidose (PD Dr. A. Prasse, Freiburg)
- Alternativ-aktivierte Makrophagen bei fibrosierenden Lungenerkrankungen (Prof. G. Zissel, Freiburg)
- Stellenwert der epithelialen Apoptose bei der Lungenfibrose (Prof. A. Günther, Gießen)
- Differentiell regulierte Signaltransduktionspfade bei zellulärer NSIP, fibrosierender NSIP & IPF als Ursache unterschiedlicher histologischer Muster und differierender klinischer Verläufe (Prof. A. Günther, Gießen)
- Neue diagnostische Ansätze und Identifizierung Phänotyp-assoziierter molekularer Unterschiede zwischen der Sarkoidose und der chronischen Berylliose (PD Dr. K. Gaede, Borstel)
- Deutsches Register für diffus parenchymatöse Lungenerkrankungen (Prof. A. Günther, Gießen)
- Deutsche Biobank für diffus parenchymatöse Lungenerkrankungen (Prof. M. Griese, München; Prof. A. Günther, Gießen)
- Management des “Deutschen Netzwerks für diffus parenchymatöse Lungenerkrankungen“ (Prof. A. Günther, Gießen)
Prof. Dr. Andreas Günther
Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Med. Klinik u. Poliklinik II
Klinikstr. 36
35390 Gießen
Tel.: 0641 985 042502
Fax: 0641 985 042508