Research for Rare - Research for rare diseases

MyPred - Network for young individuals with syndromes predisposing to myeloid malignancies

What are myeloid malignancies?

During the last decade, an increasing number of novel genetic disorders with predisposition to myeloid malignancy in young individuals has been identified. Like the inherited bone marrow failure syndromes, some of these disorders are associated with other organ dysfunction.

Joint research in the My Pred network

MyPred brings together established researchers and integrates the German branches of two large international patient registries, the EWOG-MDS study (European Working Group of Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) in Childhood) and the SCNIR (Severe Congenital Neutropenia International Registry) as well as the German CML-registry for pediatric patients.

Together with a cohort of individuals with predisposition and preexisting platelet disorder, MyPred includes 550 individuals at risk for myeloid neoplasia. It implements a variety of novel aspects relevant for patient care like deep clinical phenotyping. With standardization of surveillance sequencing panels, dissection of clonal architecture and identification of targetable lesions in preclinical models MyPred will pave the way for precision medicine.

MyPred aims to discover novel causative genetic variants using an integrative whole genome/transcriptome sequencing approach. With research projects focusing on the impact of (epi-)genetic acquired alterations and the role of the bone marrow niche, MyPred will broaden our knowledge on malignant transformation in predisposition syndromes. Comparative outcome studies on stem cell transplantation will provide the scientific basis for revised guidelines of clinical management, while modern information strategies will support self-management of affected patients and families.


Prof. Dr. Miriam Erlacher
Ulm University Medical Center
Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
Eythstraße 24, Haus 2
89075 Ulm
